Success Tip # 37364738:

Hang with the right crew.

“You are the product of the 5 people you hang with the most.” I would quote this but honestly who the hell knows who said it first.

What is normalized in your circle of friends and family will create the product of your life.

If your circle of family and friends believes it’s normal to:

*complain their way through life,
*be broke AF all the time,
*talk trash about people who want success,
*have a lack mindset,
*make fun of you for self-improvement,
*don’t believe you should invest in yourself…

Then it will be the hardest uphill battle for you to stay positive and to continue believing in yourself.

Conversely, If you are surrounded by folks that find it normal to double their business each year, or to go to self-development retreats, listen to business podcasts, or invest in themselves…your success will literally be easier for you than for the person hanging with the people listed above.

I think my success is probably EASIER than many others because of all the positivity and success-talk in my home and friendships.

but please note: these friendships and circles didn’t happen by mistake.

Who is around you? Who are the 5 people you talk to most? What are their core beliefs about life?

Ask yourself: Who do I want to become? …and then go find those people. Even if you have to pay to be in that room.

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